There is nothing more important than the safety of our students and staff. The district has a plan that is executed when we consider the weather conditions to determine our instructional model and if we will cancel classes for the day. We understand the decision affects families in different ways, and would like to provide our families with the process used for consideration when the storm is upon us.
The decision to go virtual or cancel classes for the day is based on careful consideration of many factors that are relevant to the current conditions and projected forecast such as:
- The district uses weather service information and consults with other area districts on the current conditions and the forecasts specific to the Grafton area school district.
- The district consults with transportation to consider road access in neighborhoods and rural routes. We consider the drivers' ability to get to work.
- How much snow/ice has accumulated? Are we able to provide bus service?
- Temperature and Wind Chill are also important factors that are considered.
- There may be days when bussing is not provided but school is still in session. As a parent, you can choose to transport your student to school. Teachers will inform students if streaming from home is available in their classroom.
As an administrative team, we make the final decision to close the school based on the weather conditions. The decision is influenced by the factors listed, with the final decision being made by the district Superintendent. Changes in the law have allowed school districts to consider engagement hours vs. the 175 days as a requirement in the past. Our calendar exceeds those hours providing us with some flexibility in our scheduling.
If the district plans to close school, the decision will be made by as close to 7 a.m. as possible.
Communication is a very important part of our plan, when it is determined that classes are delayed, or a late start is announced the following procedures will be implemented.
- Announcements will be shared over our live feed on the website and Power School instant messaging, please contact your building administrator to make sure your access to these sources is updated.
- Delayed starts for all schools:
- 1 hour late start 9:30 a.m. please do not drop your child off prior to 9:00 a.m.
- 2 hours late start 10:30 a.m. please do not drop your child off prior to 10:00 a.m.
- Early dismissals for all schools:
- 1 hour early 2:30 p.m.
- 2 hours early 1:30 p.m.
The procedures we use are meant to make an informed decision, we understand you as a parent may not always agree with the decision made to open or close the school. You can make that choice for your student to stay home for the day, please notify the office of attendance and record your excusal with the building-level secretary.
If the start of school is delayed, dismissed or canceled due to weather conditions, there will be no morning or afterschool ESP, practices, field trips, or scheduled extra-curricular activities.