Stay In School
School Attendance = Student Success
Research is increasingly showing that attendance at all ages is incredibly important and is directly correlated to student success and graduation rates.
Missing school matters:
Chronic absence in kindergarten is associated with lower academic performance in first grade. The impact is twice as great for students from low-income families.
A recent study found a strong relationship between sixth-grade attendance and the percentage of students graduating on time or within a year of their expected high school graduation.
Chronic absenteeism increases achievement gaps at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
One of the most effective strategies for providing pathways out of poverty is to do what it takes to get students from low-income families in school every day.
Poor attendance is a difficult problem sometimes involving complicated issues. There are no easy solutions, but much can be done by ensuring that everyone involved works together. Many district and community support services are available to help you and your child with issues that may be affecting his/her attendance. We would like to work with you. Please contact our school counselor, Mrs. Hess, or school principal, Dr. Olson, if there is anything we can do to help make sure your child is in school every day.
Types of Absences: The Grafton Public District recognizes three types of absences.
Excused: Excused absences shall be those caused by illness, injury, family emergency, religious observance, or those absences granted in advance by the principal. In the case of an absence granted by the principal, the work must be made up ahead of time. The responsibility for making the absence excused rests with the parents and students.
Unexcused with parent/guardian’s knowledge and/or consent: If a student is absent with parent/guardian’s consent for reasons other than those stated above, the parent/guardian is expected to call the school’s office to explain the absence and the student will be subject to a penalty, since he/she will be in willful violation of school board regulations. If a child is absent more than three consecutive days, the school office shall contact the child’s parent/guardian. If the absences become habitual and the principal is not satisfied that the absences are excusable, the school shall file a report of suspected child abuse or neglect with the Walsh County Social Services and the State’s Attorney for appropriate action.
Truancy: “Truancy” defined as being absent from one or more classes without the consent of parent/guardian or school officials. Disciplinary action shall be taken in cases of truancy.
Instant Alert: Parents who have not called in or sent a note regarding their child’s absence may receive an instant alert message notifying them of their child’s absence. The absence will be unexcused until the parent calls or sends a note.